Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sunny - ah - I mean - Snowy Vancouver, BC.

Well, it nevers snows in Vancouver, we have been reliably told over and over. However, there is a good 10 inches of snow right outside my camper. And I am pretty sure that white stuff floating down the other day, wasn't whipped cream.

It is nearly the end of January, and this snow has been around since before Christmas, and hasn't melted away though. Good news though, the snow man we made on the picnic table beside our camper, has melted considerably, in fact he is now only 2 storeys, not 3. So the sun is starting to make an impact. In fact the last couple of days, have been above freezing even overnight, so we have running water and all! (as compared to the frozen kind - which - really is no good at all).

We picked up some great snow clothes for the kids from the local Value Village, last time we stayed here in March last year. And now they fit them perfectly, so we have been having a daily walk in the snow, snow fights and a little sledding on a perfect little dip at the edge of the campground.

There is a river running along side us (we are actually on a small island) and I noticed as we drove over the bridge today that the ice floating down it is greatly reduced. So - maybe - we have seen the end of this "unseasonably cold" cold snap and we can get back to the normal rainy old Vancouver everybody seems to know and love!

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