Saturday, April 4, 2009

Back to Okanagan Falls, British Columbia

Traveling through 2 countries and over 28 states and provinces, and through 100's of towns … of all of them OK Falls is the closest to our home away from home. We arrive back here, after spending 2 months here last year, and already booked in to spend two months here this year. This place is the perfect holiday from our holiday.

To start with we are parked right on a beach, next to a shallow lake which (when the ice melts and the weather warms up) is perfect for the kids to paddle up to a good 50 metres from shore. Out the windows of the kids play room and our dining room slide out we have the perfect view of the lake and mountains in the background. Within walking distance is a tressel bridge, complete with a beaver lodge and 5 beavers, a track for the kids to ride their bikes, a nice park with a pond and ducks (and ducklings in spring), a library, a kids playground and another beach, an elementary school with a strong start program that both the Madi and Denny can attend every weekday morning and a pre-school which we can pay for a month and Madison can attend, and even a grocery store within 200metres. We wont need to use the car more than once a week, if that!

But the best part of OK falls. Our friends and neighbors at the park. We met Louise and Jim last year and they are now officially the kids Canadian grandparents. They have been fabulous friends who have gone way beyond being kind to some travelers, I feel we have become close to family! And our friends at the strong start, they have kids the same age as ours and we can't wait to catch up with them all again.

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